Monday, August 2, 2010


Dreams have alaways fantasized humans,be it inspirational/nonsense/demotivating.Many of us might have had the childhood fantasy of being able to peep into others dreams or portraying someone/situations into your dreamz or, being too wild you might have even thought if your life and the world around is a part of someone else's dream.Having grown up you would have dared to laugh at those silly thoughts.Well ...think again .Inception the movie might confuse you if your idea was actually silly!!!! Christopher Nolan depicts this entire plot almost proving that this is not far from reality.

Nolan introduces to you the complex world of dreams through Cob (Leonardo DiCaprio) ,who is basically a dream stealer.He sneaks into others dreams ,trying to read out ideas from their mind.Cobb,accused of having murdered his wife is forced to flee his country leaving behind his children.Cob and Mal(wife)together had spent long years in dreams that she lost her sense of reality that even after awakening ,she believed that they were still in hallucination.Cob's dreams are haunted by the image of his wife who tries to destroy each and every mission of his in an attempt to kill him and hence awaken him from the world of dreams.
A business man Satio promises to free him of charges and return to his children if Cob could help him inject an idea into Satio's business rivalry's(Robert Fischer) mind.Cob takes up this mission desparate to meet his children.Cob together with his team plans to incept Fischer during one of his flights.To their surprise they find that fischer was trianed for blocking inception using his projections. The rest of the movie simply mindblowing with Nolan depicting the complex idea of dreams and dreams within dreams.

Coming to the performances All of the cast have performed credibly enough that certainly plays a part in having the whole plot conveyed to the viewer.The technical side as usual is never compormised in hollywood movies.All credit to Christopher Nolan in poratraying/defining the complex subject- 'The art of Inception'.Having made it a habit to portray complex subject,it couldnt get any more messer than this.The idea of having an architect to create the world for a dream and someone else to create the projections(images),someone left behind in each stage to provide the kick for atimely a wakening from the dream would all have baffled the viewers had it not been narrated by this man.The background Music for the dream sequences too helped.

On the whole,Inception is all about giving life into the world of fantasies.

Inception Mesmerises.

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